Q: Why is this section called Q&A, why not FAQ?
A: Because this section does not just contain frequently asked questions, most questions are made in advance.
Q: Why are some characters / stages not open sourced?
A: Simple. I don't want you to work on broken stuff. If stuff isn't complete, what's the point of using it as a base? I want to use a lot of tricks from which you could learn. If stuff is broken, you can't learn from it, because it will be broken for you as well. Also, mostly the character or stage is just too complicated to learn from without commentaries. These resources need to have the commentaries added.
Q: What does open source mean?
A: In the most known sense, it means "open to be modified without permission". In the coding world, open source does not immediately mean you can claim the code as your own. You often are still bound to giving credits.
Technically, the term "open source" does only apply to anything that consists of code. For sprites and other non-coded content, it's called "public domain". However, strictly taken, public domain also implies that no credit has to be given, which for my sprites, this is also implied. However, do take note that most spriters do give about credits, even when placed in public domain.
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